Algemene informatie
Chorus-LIGHT (SAB)
Eenvoudige maar mooie 3 stemmige arrangementen speciaal voor:
- zanggroepen met een tekort aan mannen
- scholen die wel 2 tot max 3 stemmig poprepertoire willen zingen
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: Gemiddeld
Speelduur 8:15 minuten
Uitgevoerd door Meat Loaf
Gearrangeerd door Frank de Vreeze
Goed nieuws!
Ingezongen VocalTracks voor dit arrangement aanwezig.
Alle partijen door onze pro's ingezongen.
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Dit arrangement is tevens voorzien van 2 professionele orkestbanden: een lange (met Radio Broadcast) en een kortere versie (zonder Radio Broadcast.
Net als alle andere koor-combo arrangementen van onze catalogus kan je ook dit arrangement uitvoeren zonder pianist of combo.
Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
VocalTrack info
VocalTracks zijn professioneel ingezongen oefenbestanden die je koorleden helpen met het studeerproces.
In het VocalTracks pakket worden alle losse partijen en een "tutti" als mp3-bestanden geleverd.
Hoe koop je dit extra pakket:
- Kies de juiste bezetting van jouw koor.
- Klik op de button : "Voeg toe aan winkelwagen".
- Voeg het VocalTracks pakket toe aan het standaard PDF + (MIDI)oefenmp3 pakket.
Na betaling worden de bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd.
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
PDF: High - Mid - Low vocals
PDF: High - Mid - Low met piano (piano eenvoudig/gevorderd, we bieden 2 varianten)
PDF: High - Mid - Low met groot combo incl. C , Bb of Eb instrument
PDF: High - Mid - Low met klein combo
PDF: Leadsheet: melodie met tekst en akkoordsymbolen erboven
PDF: Losse partijen (drums, basgitaar, synthesizer, piano eenvoudig, piano gevorderd, etc.)
MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
MP3: Professionele orkestband (begeleiding als er géén piano/combo voorhanden is)
Vocal Tracks: professioneel ingezongen oefenbestanden (extra betaling)
Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
A Aah, shahoo shup shup, shahoo shup shup, shahoo shup shup, shup shup shup shupB Well I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday
Parking by the lake and there was not another car in sight
And I (shahoo shup shup etc) never had a girl, looking any better than you did
And all the kids at school (ooh) they were wishing they were me that night
C And now our bodies are oh so close and tight (shup shup, shahoo shup)
It never felt so good, it never felt so right (shup shup, shahoo shup)
And we're glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
Glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
C'mon! (Aah) Hold on tight!
Well c'mon! Hold on tight! (tight!)
D Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night
I can see paradise by the dashboard light
E..Ain't no doubt about it we were doubly blessed (shahoo shup shup, shup shup shup shup)
'Cause we were barely seventeen and we were barely dressed (shahoo shup shup, ……….)
Ain't no doubt about it, baby got to go and shout it
Ain't no doubt about it, we were doubly blessed
'Cause we were barely seventeen and we were barely dressed
shahoo shup shup, shahoo shup shup, shahoo shup shup, shup shup shup shup
F Baby don’ cha hear my heart (shahoo shup shup… etc) You got it drowning out the radio
I've been awaiting so long for you to come along and have some fun(shup shup shup shup shup shup)
Well I gotta let you know (shahoo shup shup… etc) No you're never gonna regret it
So open (ooh) up your eyes I got a big surprise It 'll feel all right
Well I wanna make your motor run
G And now our bodies are oh so close and tight (shup shup, shahoo shup)
It never felt so good, it never felt so right (shup shup, shahoo shup)
And we're glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
Glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
C'mon! (Aah) Hold on tight!
Well c'mon! Hold on tight! (tight!)
H Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night
I can see paradise by the dashboard light
Though its cold (ooh) and lonely in the deep dark night in the deep dark night
(in the deep dark night) Paradise by the dashboard light
I You got to do what you can and let Mother Nature do the rest
Ain't no doubt about it we were doubly blessed
'cause we were barely seventeen and we were barely-
J We're gonna go all the way tonight we're gonna go all the way and tonight's the night (3x)
K OK, here we go, we got a real pressure cooker going here,
Two down, nobody on, no score, bottom of the ninth,
There's the windup, and there it is, a line shot up the middle,
Look at him go. This boy can really fly! He's rounding first and really
turning it on now, he's not letting up at all, he's gonna try for
second; the ball is bobbled out in center, and here comes the
throw, and what a throw! He's gonna slide in head first, here he
comes, he's out! No, wait, safe-safe at second base, this kid
really makes things happen out there. Batter steps up to the
plate, here's the pitch-he's going, and what a jump he's got,
he's trying for third, here's the throw, it's in the dirt-safe at
third! Holy cow, stolen base! He's taking a pretty big lead out
there, almost daring him to try and pick him off. The pitcher
glances over, winds up, and it's bunted, bunted down the third
base line, the suicide squeeze is on! Here he comes, squeeze
play, it's gonna be close, here's the throw,
here's the play at the plate holy cow,I think he's gonna make it!
L, M Stop right there! I gotta know right now! Before we go any further!
Do you love me? Will you love me forever?Do you need me?
Will you never leave me? Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your wife?
N Do you love me? Will you love me forever? Do you need me!?
Will you never leave me? Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your wife?
I gotta know right now Before we go any further
Do you love me!? Will you love me forever!?
O Let me sleep on it, baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning
Oh, let me sleep on it, baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning
Let me sleep on it, baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning
I gotta know right now!
P Do you love me? (Do you do you love me?)
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?( (ooh)Do you do you need me?)
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so (Do you do you make me?)
happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me (do you ? 4x) away and will you make me your wife?
I gotta know right now ( know right now!)
Before we go any further Do you love me? Will you love me forever?
Q Whats it gonna be boy? C'mon I can wait all night Whats it gonna be boy? Yes or no?
Whats it gonna be boy? Yes or( ah, ah,) no? ( ah, ah, ..)
R..Let me sleep on it (sleep on it) baby, baby let me sleep on it (sleep on it)
Let me sleep (ooh) on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning ( in the morning.)
I gotta know right now !
Do you love me? let me sleep on it
Will you love me forever? baby, baby
Do you need me? Let me sleep on it
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so Oh, let me sleep on it
happy for the rest of my life? I’ll give you an answer in the morning
Will you take me away the morning, I’ll
and will you make me your wife? Tell you in the morning!
I gotta know right now ( know right now!)
Before we go any further Do you love me? Will you love me forever?
S Let me sleep on it , Will you love me forever ? Let me sleep on it , Will you love me forever ?
T I couldn't take it any longer (doop da doo daadap (3x)
Lord I was crazed and when the feeling came upon me like a tidal wave,
I started swearing to my God, and on my mother's grave
That I would love you till the end of time
I swore I would love you till the end of time! (Aah)
So now I'm praying for the end of time to hurry up and arrive,
'cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don't think that I can really survive.
I'll never break my promise or forget my vow
But God only knows what I can do right now
I'm praying for the end of time It's all that I can do ooh, ooh
Praying for the end of time, so I can end my time with
U you! (you, time with you)
Well It was long ago (long ago far away)
and it was far away It never felt so good (far away)
And it was so much better It never felt so right, (so much better)
than it is today and we were glowing like the (than it is today)
Well it was long ago metal on the edge of a knife ((Well it was) long ago)
And it was far away It never felt so good (far away)
And it was so much better It never felt so right, (so much better)
than it is today and we were glowing like the (than it is today) (yeah 5x)
Well it was long ago metal on the edge of a knife (long ago far away)
And it was far away It never felt so good ((Well it was) long ago)
And it was so much better It never felt so right, (so much better)
than it is today and we were glowing like the metal (than it is today)
Felt so right Felt so right Felt so right
Felt so good! Felt so good! Felt so good!
WEES EERLIJK met het kiezen van het aantal koorleden ! Alle prijzen (incl. BTW) gelden voor het standaard PDF + mp3 pakket. De totaalprijs is gebaseerd op het maximum van de groepsgrootte.Paradise by the Dashboard Light
Meat Loaf
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Deel dit arrangement met je mede koorleden!
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$ 70.-
Naast het standaard pakket (PDF en oefenmp3’s met MIDI-geluiden) kan je voor $ 70.- het VocalTrack pakket bijbestellen. Hierin zijn alle afzonderlijke stemmen door professionals ingezongen. Superhandig voor het instuderen!
Algemene informatie
Chorus-LIGHT (SAB)
Eenvoudige maar mooie 3 stemmige arrangementen speciaal voor:
- zanggroepen met een tekort aan mannen
- scholen die wel 2 tot max 3 stemmig poprepertoire willen zingen
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: Gemiddeld
Speelduur 8:15 minuten
Uitgevoerd door Meat Loaf
Gearrangeerd door Frank de Vreeze
Goed nieuws!
Ingezongen VocalTracks voor dit arrangement aanwezig.
Alle partijen door onze pro's ingezongen.
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Dit arrangement is tevens voorzien van 2 professionele orkestbanden: een lange (met Radio Broadcast) en een kortere versie (zonder Radio Broadcast.
Net als alle andere koor-combo arrangementen van onze catalogus kan je ook dit arrangement uitvoeren zonder pianist of combo.
Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
VocalTrack info
VocalTracks zijn professioneel ingezongen oefenbestanden die je koorleden helpen met het studeerproces.
In het VocalTracks pakket worden alle losse partijen en een "tutti" als mp3-bestanden geleverd.
Hoe koop je dit extra pakket:
- Kies de juiste bezetting van jouw koor.
- Klik op de button : "Voeg toe aan winkelwagen".
- Voeg het VocalTracks pakket toe aan het standaard PDF + (MIDI)oefenmp3 pakket.
Na betaling worden de bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd.
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
PDF: High - Mid - Low vocals
PDF: High - Mid - Low met piano (piano eenvoudig/gevorderd, we bieden 2 varianten)
PDF: High - Mid - Low met groot combo incl. C , Bb of Eb instrument
PDF: High - Mid - Low met klein combo
PDF: Leadsheet: melodie met tekst en akkoordsymbolen erboven
PDF: Losse partijen (drums, basgitaar, synthesizer, piano eenvoudig, piano gevorderd, etc.)
MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
MP3: Professionele orkestband (begeleiding als er géén piano/combo voorhanden is)
Vocal Tracks: professioneel ingezongen oefenbestanden (extra betaling)
Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
A Aah, shahoo shup shup, shahoo shup shup, shahoo shup shup, shup shup shup shupB Well I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday
Parking by the lake and there was not another car in sight
And I (shahoo shup shup etc) never had a girl, looking any better than you did
And all the kids at school (ooh) they were wishing they were me that night
C And now our bodies are oh so close and tight (shup shup, shahoo shup)
It never felt so good, it never felt so right (shup shup, shahoo shup)
And we're glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
Glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
C'mon! (Aah) Hold on tight!
Well c'mon! Hold on tight! (tight!)
D Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night
I can see paradise by the dashboard light
E..Ain't no doubt about it we were doubly blessed (shahoo shup shup, shup shup shup shup)
'Cause we were barely seventeen and we were barely dressed (shahoo shup shup, ……….)
Ain't no doubt about it, baby got to go and shout it
Ain't no doubt about it, we were doubly blessed
'Cause we were barely seventeen and we were barely dressed
shahoo shup shup, shahoo shup shup, shahoo shup shup, shup shup shup shup
F Baby don’ cha hear my heart (shahoo shup shup… etc) You got it drowning out the radio
I've been awaiting so long for you to come along and have some fun(shup shup shup shup shup shup)
Well I gotta let you know (shahoo shup shup… etc) No you're never gonna regret it
So open (ooh) up your eyes I got a big surprise It 'll feel all right
Well I wanna make your motor run
G And now our bodies are oh so close and tight (shup shup, shahoo shup)
It never felt so good, it never felt so right (shup shup, shahoo shup)
And we're glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
Glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
C'mon! (Aah) Hold on tight!
Well c'mon! Hold on tight! (tight!)
H Though it's cold and lonely in the deep dark night
I can see paradise by the dashboard light
Though its cold (ooh) and lonely in the deep dark night in the deep dark night
(in the deep dark night) Paradise by the dashboard light
I You got to do what you can and let Mother Nature do the rest
Ain't no doubt about it we were doubly blessed
'cause we were barely seventeen and we were barely-
J We're gonna go all the way tonight we're gonna go all the way and tonight's the night (3x)
K OK, here we go, we got a real pressure cooker going here,
Two down, nobody on, no score, bottom of the ninth,
There's the windup, and there it is, a line shot up the middle,
Look at him go. This boy can really fly! He's rounding first and really
turning it on now, he's not letting up at all, he's gonna try for
second; the ball is bobbled out in center, and here comes the
throw, and what a throw! He's gonna slide in head first, here he
comes, he's out! No, wait, safe-safe at second base, this kid
really makes things happen out there. Batter steps up to the
plate, here's the pitch-he's going, and what a jump he's got,
he's trying for third, here's the throw, it's in the dirt-safe at
third! Holy cow, stolen base! He's taking a pretty big lead out
there, almost daring him to try and pick him off. The pitcher
glances over, winds up, and it's bunted, bunted down the third
base line, the suicide squeeze is on! Here he comes, squeeze
play, it's gonna be close, here's the throw,
here's the play at the plate holy cow,I think he's gonna make it!
L, M Stop right there! I gotta know right now! Before we go any further!
Do you love me? Will you love me forever?Do you need me?
Will you never leave me? Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your wife?
N Do you love me? Will you love me forever? Do you need me!?
Will you never leave me? Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your wife?
I gotta know right now Before we go any further
Do you love me!? Will you love me forever!?
O Let me sleep on it, baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning
Oh, let me sleep on it, baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning
Let me sleep on it, baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning
I gotta know right now!
P Do you love me? (Do you do you love me?)
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?( (ooh)Do you do you need me?)
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so (Do you do you make me?)
happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me (do you ? 4x) away and will you make me your wife?
I gotta know right now ( know right now!)
Before we go any further Do you love me? Will you love me forever?
Q Whats it gonna be boy? C'mon I can wait all night Whats it gonna be boy? Yes or no?
Whats it gonna be boy? Yes or( ah, ah,) no? ( ah, ah, ..)
R..Let me sleep on it (sleep on it) baby, baby let me sleep on it (sleep on it)
Let me sleep (ooh) on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning ( in the morning.)
I gotta know right now !
Do you love me? let me sleep on it
Will you love me forever? baby, baby
Do you need me? Let me sleep on it
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so Oh, let me sleep on it
happy for the rest of my life? I’ll give you an answer in the morning
Will you take me away the morning, I’ll
and will you make me your wife? Tell you in the morning!
I gotta know right now ( know right now!)
Before we go any further Do you love me? Will you love me forever?
S Let me sleep on it , Will you love me forever ? Let me sleep on it , Will you love me forever ?
T I couldn't take it any longer (doop da doo daadap (3x)
Lord I was crazed and when the feeling came upon me like a tidal wave,
I started swearing to my God, and on my mother's grave
That I would love you till the end of time
I swore I would love you till the end of time! (Aah)
So now I'm praying for the end of time to hurry up and arrive,
'cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don't think that I can really survive.
I'll never break my promise or forget my vow
But God only knows what I can do right now
I'm praying for the end of time It's all that I can do ooh, ooh
Praying for the end of time, so I can end my time with
U you! (you, time with you)
Well It was long ago (long ago far away)
and it was far away It never felt so good (far away)
And it was so much better It never felt so right, (so much better)
than it is today and we were glowing like the (than it is today)
Well it was long ago metal on the edge of a knife ((Well it was) long ago)
And it was far away It never felt so good (far away)
And it was so much better It never felt so right, (so much better)
than it is today and we were glowing like the (than it is today) (yeah 5x)
Well it was long ago metal on the edge of a knife (long ago far away)
And it was far away It never felt so good ((Well it was) long ago)
And it was so much better It never felt so right, (so much better)
than it is today and we were glowing like the metal (than it is today)
Felt so right Felt so right Felt so right
Felt so good! Felt so good! Felt so good!