Algemene info
Chorus-LIGHT (SAB)
Eenvoudige maar mooie 3 stemmige arrangementen speciaal voor:
- zanggroepen met een tekort aan mannen
- scholen die wel 2 tot max 3 stemmig poprepertoire willen zingen
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: Gemiddeld
Gezongen door Phil Collins
Gearrangeerd door Dirk Kokx
Good news !
Vocal learning tracks are now available for this arrangement. All parts are sung by our pro's.
Our standard practice MP3 package consists of a professional backtrack recording: You can, like all the other choir-combo arrangements from our catalogue, perform this arrangement without a pianist or band.
After payment is received, all packages will be sent to your e-mail address immediately!
VocalTrack info
VocalTracks zijn professioneel ingezongen oefenbestanden die je koorleden helpen met het studeerproces.
In het VocalTracks pakket worden alle losse partijen en een "tutti" als mp3-bestanden geleverd.
Hoe koop je dit extra pakket:
- Kies de juiste bezetting van jouw koor.
- Klik op de button : "Voeg toe aan winkelwagen".
- Voeg het VocalTracks pakket toe aan het standaard PDF + (MIDI)oefenmp3 pakket.
Na betaling worden de bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd.
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
PDF: Vocals : High - Mid - Low
PDF: Vocals - piano
PDF: Vocals met groot combo incl. C , Bb of Eb instrument
PDF: Vocals met klein combo
PDF: Leadsheet: melodie met tekst en akkoordsymbolen erboven
PDF: Losse partijen (drums, basgitaar, synthesizer, piano etc.)
MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
MP3: Professionele orkestband (begeleiding als er géén piano/combo voorhanden is)
Vocal Tracks: professioneel ingezongen oefenbestanden (extra betaling)
Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
You Can’t Hurry LoveVerse 1
I need love, love
oo, to ease my mind
And I need to find time
Someone to call mine;
My mama said:
Chorus 1
‘You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.’
She said love don't come easy.
But it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.
Just trust in a good time
No matter how long it takes
Bridge 1
How many heartaches must I stand
Before I find the love to let me live again
Right now the only thing that keeps me hanging on
when I feel my strength, oo it's almost gone
I remember mama said:
Chorus 2
‘You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.’
She said love don't come easy.
It's a game of give and take
How long must I wait.
How much more must I take
before loneliness
will cause my heart, heart to break?
Bridge 2
No, I can’t bear to live my life alone
I grow impatient for a love to call my own
But when I feel now that I, I can't go on
Well these precious words keep me hanging on
I remember mama said:
Chorus 3
‘You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.’
She said love don't come easy.
Well it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.
Just trust in a good time
No matter how long it takes, and I’ll break!
Verse 2
Now love, love, it don't come easy
But I keep on waiting, anticipating
for that soft voice to talk to me at night
For some tender arms to hold me tight
I keep waiting
Chorus 4
Until that day
But it ain’t easy,no.
You know it ain’t easy
And my mama said
‘You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.’
She said love don't come easy.
But it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.
She said love don't come easy.
But it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.
Just trust in a good time
No matter how long it takes you gotta wait!
WEES EERLIJK met het kiezen van het aantal koorleden ! Alle prijzen (incl. BTW) gelden voor het standaard PDF + mp3 pakket. De totaalprijs is gebaseerd op het maximum van de groepsgrootte.You can't hurry love
Phil Collins
- binnen 1 minuut in je mailbox
- klantbeoordeling van 9.6 / 10
- 100% legaal
- VocalTracks (ingezongen oefen mp3’s) aanwezig
Deel dit arrangement met je mede koorleden!
Delen via WhatsAppVocalTracks beschikbaar
$ 35.-
Naast het standaard pakket (PDF en oefenmp3’s met MIDI-geluiden) kan je voor $ 35.- het VocalTrack pakket bijbestellen. Hierin zijn alle afzonderlijke stemmen door professionals ingezongen. Superhandig voor het instuderen!
Algemene info
Chorus-LIGHT (SAB)
Eenvoudige maar mooie 3 stemmige arrangementen speciaal voor:
- zanggroepen met een tekort aan mannen
- scholen die wel 2 tot max 3 stemmig poprepertoire willen zingen
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: Gemiddeld
Gezongen door Phil Collins
Gearrangeerd door Dirk Kokx
Good news !
Vocal learning tracks are now available for this arrangement. All parts are sung by our pro's.
Our standard practice MP3 package consists of a professional backtrack recording: You can, like all the other choir-combo arrangements from our catalogue, perform this arrangement without a pianist or band.
After payment is received, all packages will be sent to your e-mail address immediately!
VocalTrack info
VocalTracks zijn professioneel ingezongen oefenbestanden die je koorleden helpen met het studeerproces.
In het VocalTracks pakket worden alle losse partijen en een "tutti" als mp3-bestanden geleverd.
Hoe koop je dit extra pakket:
- Kies de juiste bezetting van jouw koor.
- Klik op de button : "Voeg toe aan winkelwagen".
- Voeg het VocalTracks pakket toe aan het standaard PDF + (MIDI)oefenmp3 pakket.
Na betaling worden de bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd.
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
PDF: Vocals : High - Mid - Low
PDF: Vocals - piano
PDF: Vocals met groot combo incl. C , Bb of Eb instrument
PDF: Vocals met klein combo
PDF: Leadsheet: melodie met tekst en akkoordsymbolen erboven
PDF: Losse partijen (drums, basgitaar, synthesizer, piano etc.)
MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
MP3: Professionele orkestband (begeleiding als er géén piano/combo voorhanden is)
Vocal Tracks: professioneel ingezongen oefenbestanden (extra betaling)
Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
You Can’t Hurry LoveVerse 1
I need love, love
oo, to ease my mind
And I need to find time
Someone to call mine;
My mama said:
Chorus 1
‘You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.’
She said love don't come easy.
But it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.
Just trust in a good time
No matter how long it takes
Bridge 1
How many heartaches must I stand
Before I find the love to let me live again
Right now the only thing that keeps me hanging on
when I feel my strength, oo it's almost gone
I remember mama said:
Chorus 2
‘You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.’
She said love don't come easy.
It's a game of give and take
How long must I wait.
How much more must I take
before loneliness
will cause my heart, heart to break?
Bridge 2
No, I can’t bear to live my life alone
I grow impatient for a love to call my own
But when I feel now that I, I can't go on
Well these precious words keep me hanging on
I remember mama said:
Chorus 3
‘You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.’
She said love don't come easy.
Well it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.
Just trust in a good time
No matter how long it takes, and I’ll break!
Verse 2
Now love, love, it don't come easy
But I keep on waiting, anticipating
for that soft voice to talk to me at night
For some tender arms to hold me tight
I keep waiting
Chorus 4
Until that day
But it ain’t easy,no.
You know it ain’t easy
And my mama said
‘You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.’
She said love don't come easy.
But it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.
She said love don't come easy.
But it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love.
No, you'll just have to wait.
Just trust in a good time
No matter how long it takes you gotta wait!