Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: Gemiddeld
Stemverdeling: SATB (incl. piano-combo)
Gezongen door Village People
Gearrangeerd door Christian Blaha
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Dit arrangement is tevens voorzien van een professionele orkestband: Net als alle andere koor-combo arrangementen van onze catalogus kan je ook dit arrangement uitvoeren zonder pianist of combo.
Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
- PDF: SATB vocals
- PDF: SATB met piano
- PDF: SATB met groot combo incl. C , Bb of Eb instrument
- PDF: SATB met klein combo
- PDF: Leadsheet: melodie met tekst en akkoordsymbolen erboven
- PDF: Losse partijen (drums, basgitaar, synthesizer, piano, etc.)
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- MP3: Professionele orkestband (begeleiding als er géén piano/combo voorhanden is)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
Verse 1AYoung man, there's no need to feel down. I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town. There's no need to be unhappy.
Verse 1B
Young man, there's a place you can go. I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find. Many ways to have a good time.
Chorus 1A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys.
Chorus 1B
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, You can do whatever you feel.
Verse 2A
Young man, are you listening to me? Said, young man, what do you want to be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams. But you got to know this one thing!
Verse 2B
No man does it all by himself. I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the Y.M.C.A. I'm sure they can help you today.
Chorus 2A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys.
Chorus 2B
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, you can do whatever you feel.
Verse 3A
Young man, I was once in your shoes. I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no man cared if I were alive. I felt the whole world was so jive.
Verse 3B
That's when someone came up to me, And said, young man, take a walk up the street.
It's a place there called the Y.M.C.A. They can start you back on your way.
Chorus 3A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys.
Chorus 3B
Y.M.C.A It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
Young man, young man, there's no need to feel down. Young man, get yourself off the ground.
Chorus 3C (Outro)
Y.M.C.A And just go to the Y.M.C.A.
Young man, I was once in your shoes. Young man, I was down with the blues.
WEES EERLIJK met het kiezen van het aantal koorleden ! Alle prijzen (incl. BTW) gelden voor het standaard PDF + mp3 pakket. De totaalprijs is gebaseerd op het maximum van de groepsgrootte.Y.M.C.A.
Village People
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- klantbeoordeling van 9.6 / 10
- 100% legaal
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Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: Gemiddeld
Stemverdeling: SATB (incl. piano-combo)
Gezongen door Village People
Gearrangeerd door Christian Blaha
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Dit arrangement is tevens voorzien van een professionele orkestband: Net als alle andere koor-combo arrangementen van onze catalogus kan je ook dit arrangement uitvoeren zonder pianist of combo.
Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
- PDF: SATB vocals
- PDF: SATB met piano
- PDF: SATB met groot combo incl. C , Bb of Eb instrument
- PDF: SATB met klein combo
- PDF: Leadsheet: melodie met tekst en akkoordsymbolen erboven
- PDF: Losse partijen (drums, basgitaar, synthesizer, piano, etc.)
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- MP3: Professionele orkestband (begeleiding als er géén piano/combo voorhanden is)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
Verse 1AYoung man, there's no need to feel down. I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town. There's no need to be unhappy.
Verse 1B
Young man, there's a place you can go. I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find. Many ways to have a good time.
Chorus 1A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys.
Chorus 1B
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, You can do whatever you feel.
Verse 2A
Young man, are you listening to me? Said, young man, what do you want to be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams. But you got to know this one thing!
Verse 2B
No man does it all by himself. I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the Y.M.C.A. I'm sure they can help you today.
Chorus 2A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys.
Chorus 2B
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, you can do whatever you feel.
Verse 3A
Young man, I was once in your shoes. I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no man cared if I were alive. I felt the whole world was so jive.
Verse 3B
That's when someone came up to me, And said, young man, take a walk up the street.
It's a place there called the Y.M.C.A. They can start you back on your way.
Chorus 3A
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. (2x)
They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys.
Chorus 3B
Y.M.C.A It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
Young man, young man, there's no need to feel down. Young man, get yourself off the ground.
Chorus 3C (Outro)
Y.M.C.A And just go to the Y.M.C.A.
Young man, I was once in your shoes. Young man, I was down with the blues.