Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau I: Eenvoudig
Stemverdeling: SMAA - acappella
Uitgevoerd door Marble Sounds
Gearrangeerd door Jo Annemans
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- PDF: SMAA - acappella
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
Sure I can leave a light on let it shine on
leave it till dawn.
Sure I can leave a light on leave a light on for you.
It takes two to find a way out there is no doubt
I will be ‘round.
If you have lost the right track then I’ll lead you right back.
Don't search to find, don't smile just to be nice
Don't run just to get there on time.
Be amazed, simply blown away
live on without getting off your cloud.
Sure I can leave a light on leave a light on for you.
Sure I can play a quiet song, I could just hum
beat a soft drum.
Sure I can play a quiet song play a quiet song for you.
It takes you to make my heart sing to let air in
and keep breathing.
It takes two to keep the vibe true, I am waiting for you.
It struck me again we both look the same.
But what you make appears in all shapes.
I should impress but nevertheless,
I cannot change night into a day.
So sure I can leave a light on leave a light on for you
WEES EERLIJK met het kiezen van het aantal koorleden ! Alle prijzen (incl. BTW) gelden voor het standaard PDF + mp3 pakket. De totaalprijs is gebaseerd op het maximum van de groepsgrootte.Leave a Light on
Marble Sounds
- binnen 1 minuut in je mailbox
- klantbeoordeling van 9.6 / 10
- 100% legaal
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Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau I: Eenvoudig
Stemverdeling: SMAA - acappella
Uitgevoerd door Marble Sounds
Gearrangeerd door Jo Annemans
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
- PDF: SMAA - acappella
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
Sure I can leave a light on let it shine on
leave it till dawn.
Sure I can leave a light on leave a light on for you.
It takes two to find a way out there is no doubt
I will be ‘round.
If you have lost the right track then I’ll lead you right back.
Don't search to find, don't smile just to be nice
Don't run just to get there on time.
Be amazed, simply blown away
live on without getting off your cloud.
Sure I can leave a light on leave a light on for you.
Sure I can play a quiet song, I could just hum
beat a soft drum.
Sure I can play a quiet song play a quiet song for you.
It takes you to make my heart sing to let air in
and keep breathing.
It takes two to keep the vibe true, I am waiting for you.
It struck me again we both look the same.
But what you make appears in all shapes.
I should impress but nevertheless,
I cannot change night into a day.
So sure I can leave a light on leave a light on for you